
Quite often, when facing the task of putting together a representative portfolio of their work or select a smooth running order of pictures for their website, photographers lack the necessary distance and objectivity. As a professional with more than 30 years’ experience in the business I can help you decide on what aspects to consider.


– Definition of aims and target groups
– Clear focus on personal strengths
– Definition of a clear structure and composition
– Drawing up of an interesting dramaturgical composition

Contracts / Finance

Many artists and creative people consider the ever-increasing administrative work a nightmare and would love to just simply hand it over to a pro. Still, it’s important to handle these things meticulously. Should you need help in this department I’ll gladly be of assistance in things such as:


– Assessment of contracts (German/English)
– Drawing up of terms and conditions
– Solution-oriented assistance in cases of conflict


– Strategy and counseling in fixing fees
– Counseling concerning rights of use
– Counseling in matters of content and structure of estimates


There are quite a few reasons that speak in favor of outsourcing production work or at least parts of it. Maybe you lack the time or the experience to take care of the production side yourself or you simply wish to work with an experienced and reliable partner who assists you in all production details.


– Job accounting
– Drawing up production cost estimates 
– Timing of complex production schedules 
– Recruiting of production crews
– Organization of castings
– Evaluation of locations and gathering of permits
– Travel organization (flight/train/rental car/hotel bookings, catering, etc.)



I gladly share my experience of some thirty years in the photography and illustrations business as well as in teaching (Zurich University of the Arts, Zurich School of Design) with creative people working in photography, illustration, and the artistic field in general. If you’re in need of advice or coaching, just give me a call or write an e-mail.
You decide whether it’s a single consultation or an ongoing coaching arrangement you’re looking for.
Topics to be discussed will be decided on together so that you’ll know exactly what to expect.
In a first—free—discussion of around fifteen minutes we will decide on what you’re actual needs/problems are. I will then draw up an offer on the basis of which you will decide what kind and what scope of counseling will suit you.